How Therapy Can Help After A Spiritual Experience

After a spiritual experience, many people will face conflicting emotions. Did I really go through it? Am I imagining what I am feeling and experiencing now? You may not even understand what exactly you went through. And other people may not comprehend it either.

There are many different experiences that someone can consider spiritual. From the mystical/psychic abilities emerging, a near-death experience, or related to religion, these experiences can completely transform someone's life. And while, in the long run, it will turn into a good thing for your life as you learn to live with it, it's not uncommon for many people to struggle with it.

If you have gone through a spiritual experience, whatever that may be, you may be wondering how you can learn to live with this new normal. Many people will turn to meditation or books to help them through this period. While those can all be helpful, therapy may be the best approach. Here is how therapy can help you after a spiritual experience.

It Can Help You Feel Validated

We all get stuck in our own heads sometimes. But especially after a spiritual experience made you question so much, you may be ultra stuck, so to speak. You may have tried to speak with your family or friends about this but you are probably finding that no one gets it. Or maybe people completely doubt what you went through.

Therapy can help validate your experience. As a licensed therapist who understands the importance of these spiritual experiences, I know what you are facing. Sometimes, all you need is to be able to talk about your experience without the fear of judgment or misunderstanding.

photo of a flowing river at sunrise

It Helps With Processing The Experience

When you don't even understand the experience yourself, it makes it very difficult to even learn how to live after the fact. Therapy, no matter if it is in the aftermath of a spiritual experience or a traumatizing event, can help process the memory and experience in a healthy way.

Once you begin processing the experience, it can help you fully see the bigger picture. Not only with what happened, but how it is affecting you now. It lets see all the ways that this experience has reshaped you into a different human being. How it has affected your own mental, religious, and emotional reactions to the world around you.

Therapy Can Help You Feel Grounded

Your whole world is usually shaken after a spiritual experience. You get through the motions of your daily life, but you feel, off or you might feel crazy. You definitely aren't.

Grounding yourself through mindfulness techniques such as yoga, deep breathing, or meditation, can help you focus on the present moment. Instead of living in the memory of what you went through, or worrying about the future, you can focus on the here and now.

Why Is Therapy Important For A Spiritual Experience?

No matter who we are, we went to feel heard and seen. To know what we are feeling is not in our head or that we aren't being dramatic about something. At the end of the day, all we want is to feel comfortable and at ease with where we are in life.

Therapy can help you get to that place. It can teach you the coping skills you need to not only process your spiritual experience, but for everything else, you will go through in life.

Your healing process is important and can mean the difference between feeling uneasy with your current situation or at peace with it. As a therapist, I am ready to support you and guide you in any way that I can. Let's connect soon so you can learn how transpersonal counseling can help.


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