Signs That You Are A Highly Sensitive Person
Easily overwhelmed.
Have you ever been called any of these things or felt like you were? After any social interaction or event, do you sometimes need time to just regroup and get your bearings back together? But you don't understand why everything feels so draining to you?
If that seems pretty accurate to your life, you may be what is known as a Highly Sensitive Person(HSP.) Most people have never heard of this term. However, the characteristics and traits of an HSP are all pretty familiar.
HSP is not a diagnosable mental health disorder like anxiety or depression would be. But, because of the traits that they possess, someone who is an HSP has a greater chance of dealing with anxiety or depression at some point.
Let's go over the traits of an HSP.
Feeling Everything More Deeply Than Other People
Being called sensitive or too emotional is something that all HSP have in common. These are the types of people who are more likely to cry during a movie, tv show, or commercial. They connect with the world and what is going on around them in a unique way.
They are so sensitive to subtle shifts in energy and emotions that they almost take on these emotions as their own. Empathy is the ability to fully know and understand emotions and what someone is going through. It might sound crazy, but a Highly Sensitive Person can pick up on the emotions of other people without them having to express it.
Feeling Overwhelmed By Senses
HSP's are more likely to feel really overwhelmed when they hear certain sounds or smell something specific. They try to avoid certain textures that irritate them to no end, without really understanding why. Everyone, to some degree, have these types of disdains. However, for the HSP, when they are confronted with them, it is so overwhelming and strong. When around sounds that irritate them, an HSP may become angry or irritable quickly until they are no longer in that environment.
HSP's take on everything from their environments. From their senses and the energies around them, they feel everything really strongly.
Overwhelmed With No Explanation
As an HSP, having so much sensory input at all times can make them feel like things are becoming too much. A lot of noise. Too much commotion and events going on around them. Feeling overstimulated and needing to decompress. And most of this comes with little to no real explanation that can make sense to those who aren't highly sensitive.
Overwhelmed = More Likely To Experience Mood Disorders
The overwhelm with everything is likely to cause mood disorders such as anxiety or depression in an HSP. For the Highly Sensitive Person, they are constantly being bombarded by emotions and sensations that can cause them to feel anxious or uneasy. As this overwhelm chronically goes on, an anxiety disorder is more likely to occur, because their nervous systems are always on overdrive.
And because they are dealing with so many emotions and sensory inputs, it can lead to feelings of depression such as feeling sad, irritable, or changes in appetite or behaviors.
Other Traits Of An HSP
While those are just some of the main signs of an HSP, there are many more. An HSP can also experience:
Sensitivity to pain
Needing alone time after any social interaction
Being shy or introverted/keeping to themselves except for close friends and family
Being an HSP is one of the most beautiful yet challenging gifts that someone can have. It doesn't make this person crazy or strange - they are just uniquely different.
If you are recognizing these signs in yourself, it could be a great indicator that you are an HSP. Let's connect soon so I can show how with HSP Therapy you can manage these signs so you can feel more at ease with the world around you